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Uzzheldorraschet branch services

1. Karshi Technological Center processes freight transportation documents from tariff stations under the UE "Karshi Regional Railway Junction", including:
     - Reports form FO-4 for freight transportation on loading freights; 
     - Reports form FO-5 for freight transportation on unloading freights;
     - GU-46 forms for freight transportation on setting and taking freight cars at stations;
     - Fundraisings and fines on FDU-92 forms for extra-services of stations are recalculate.
2. The recalculated freight documents and reports are inserted in a form of a list in the ARM TexPD program and sent to the Computiing Center (VC).
3. The processed freight transportation documents and reports at the Computing Center are printed out in a form of list from the ARM TexPD program in paper form. Fundraisings and fines for services to organizations and enterprises on the list In the Accounting department of TexPD is kept separate accounts receivable and accounts payable for each enterprise and organization.

Yuridik iste’molchilarga elektr energiyasi yetkazib berish namunaviy shartnomasi. yuklab olish