A control inspection was conducted at the Karabayr horse breeding complex.

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On August 26, 2022, a control inspection was conducted at the Karabayr horse breeding complex belonging to the UE "Karshi Regional Railway Junction". 

During the inspection, the activities aimed at breeding thoroughbred horses in the territory of the complex and improving breeding work in the field were reviewed.

Special attention is majored on the development of horse breeding and horse sports in our country, strengthening of its material-technical and feed base, training of specialists for this field and improving their skills, breeding of thoroughbred, sports and service horses by studying the best practices of foreign countries. In this regard, the decree of the head of our state dated June 15, 2017 "On additional measures for the development of horse breeding and horse sports in the Republic of Uzbekistan" is an important program.

Karabayr horses, which are considered our national pride, are currently being bred in this complex. Today, about 300 horses are being cared for in the Karabayr horse breeding complex. 

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